Sunday, 17 January 2010

Leicester Botanical Gardens

The first sunny day in ages! So I thought I would take advantage and capture a few hints of spring at Leicester Botanical Gardens. I was particularly looking for colour in the otherwise neutral colour scheme that nature seems to have taken on in the winter months. I was also looking at names of trees, shrubs and flowers that these particular gardens seem to have rather well labelled.

The sun captures the green of a covering of moss.

Some kind of Fungi protruding from a large oak tree.

A reflection of the beautiful blue sky in a bird bath.

Unfortunately the cactus house was closed!

A Quince Tree.

A few fallen Quinces.

A monkey tree...The only tree monkeys can't climb!!

Some helpful information in the herb garden.

A lone berry adds a splash of colour.

Another splash of colour from a small shoot ready to grow.

More shoots basking in the sun.

The last few pines cones clinging onto a pine tree.

The flaking bark of Betula Ubilis.

Bright red berries contrast the vivid leaf green.

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